It has been over a month since i published my finished “Fertilization”. That painting took a further depth when my friend Karima used it extensively in the stunning videos of the final chapters of her Epic multimedia/multi-dimensional adventure: “The Colored Dream Series” and on to “The Two”….which just reached an inspiring and expansive end in chapter 13 of “the Two”. I highly recommend the entire series, …her blog is: ….You will be deeply touched on many levels if you open to the experience…it is that amazing.
And right now i face a charged awake moment. The Unknown.
I am standing in front of an empty white prepared canvas….open.
This experience has always fascinated and intimidated me. All potentials are possible. Anything or nothing and everything in between. It is like facing unformed Reality from a pure awakeness….then going in and creating something in/with it…something unique. An act of creating within what is simply a pure undefined and non dual Force. So? Why, then? What can i create that is more perfect than That?? For what purpose? Mind doesn’t have a clue, and will engage me in struggles if it can. But…the mind is not the tool to walk through this door, it can only repeat itself from learned data from the past. The True answer is>> beyond it. In the hands of this Force beyond mind, the mind then becomes a highly useful multi-functional, creativity tool…but no longer the master controller, as before. I am learning this on my Path, as i learn to Surrender.
So as i face this unformed universe in stretched canvas…i let go of my mind. And i Allow.
And i will share the stages of what happens on the canvas.